Embracing faith in the workplace…it’s not what you think

Welcome to another (hopefully) inspiring edition of my Front-Row Friday message. Today, I’m diving into a powerful concept that can transform your professional life, even if it’s not very common to talk about it: FAITH. Now, I’m not talking about faith in a religious sense, but rather the kind of faith that propels you forward, helps you conquer challenges, and empowers you to take bold actions in the workplace.

High School Student Receives $14.7 Million in Scholarships: Lessons in Perseverance

High School Student Receives $14.7 Million in Scholarships: Lessons in Perseverance

What if I told you a story of a person who landed almost $15 million in business and they attributed their success to hard work, having a strategic plan and perseverance? Who are you picturing in your mind right now? Maybe a salesperson at a Fortune 500 company? Maybe an Olympic athlete who won a gold medal and then signed a lucrative endorsement deal?

Uncovering the Truth About Positivity: Can it be Too Much of a Good Thing?

Happy Front-Row Friday! This week, I’m excited to delve into a topic close to my heart. As a lifelong optimist, I would like to pose an interesting question, can you be too positive? After a post on the importance of having a positive mental attitude, I was accused of promoting ‘toxic positivity’. I hadn’t heard the term before, so I took a deeper look into its meaning.