Finding Freedom in Forgiveness
Have you ever been hurt or let down by someone you deeply care about? We’ve all been there, and that’s exactly what today’s Front-Row Friday is all about—forgiveness and maybe even reconciliation.
Marilyn Sherman is an accomplished speaker and author who offers you regular free content through designed to motivate and inspire.
Have you ever been hurt or let down by someone you deeply care about? We’ve all been there, and that’s exactly what today’s Front-Row Friday is all about—forgiveness and maybe even reconciliation.
One of the biggest inhibitors to realizing our dreams is fear. Fear creates holes in our bucket lists, often holding us back from pursuing the things we truly desire. Whether it’s the fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or even the fear of success, these emotions can paralyze us. But what if we could shift our perspective on fear and failure?
There are countless inspirational stories when it comes to the Olympic Games as we learn about the incredible backstories of these athletes. However, one of my favorite Olympic stories had nothing to do with the athletes.
Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’m having a bad day”? Like the time you made yourself a cup of coffee and on your way to work, you realized you didn’t put the lid on all the way? Coffee spills on your lap. You get to work and announce, “I am having a bad day.”
Today, I want to share the story of someone who didn’t just step out of her comfort zone—she completely transformed her life. Rhannon McMillan moved from the US to Paris, switched careers, and embraced a whole new culture.
The Olympic games always bring out the best in athletes. What we see on TV during the trials and the actual games is only a moment in time compared to the years of early rising, practice, working out, and denying any extravagant fun! I’m inspired by the stories of what these athletes had to overcome to reach the level of Olympic champion.
Imagine you had a film crew following you around for twelve days. What would they see? This thought-provoking question is the heart of today’s Front-Row Friday message. I’m a huge sports fan and often learn valuable life lessons by studying great athletes. Today’s front-row Friday message is inspired by the documentary “Federer: The Last Twelve Days,” which chronicles Roger Federer’s final days before announcing his retirement from professional tennis.
Today’s Front-Row Friday message is about avoiding the comparison trap. You know the one – where you see someone else’s shiny life and feel like you don’t measure up. But guess what? I’m here to tell you that comparing yourself to others is a game you can’t win, and you shouldn’t even be playing!
Welcome to another (hopefully) inspiring edition of my Front-Row Friday message. Today, I’m diving into a powerful concept that can transform your professional life, even if it’s not very common to talk about it: FAITH. Now, I’m not talking about faith in a religious sense, but rather the kind of faith that propels you forward, helps you conquer challenges, and empowers you to take bold actions in the workplace.