Happy New Year! We’re right in the middle of the holiday season, how are you? Are you taking the time for some self-care? Deep breaths, brisk walks, maybe both as you avoid toxic people and places! I hope you are doing great. I couldn’t let my last Front-Row Friday video of the year without talking about one of my favorite subjects: having a BUCKET LIST!
I know many people talk about having New Year’s resolutions. I heard that only 8% of people who write out resolutions are successful. I have another idea. How about creating a new bucket list? You know, a list of things you want to experience or accomplish before you die. Now is the perfect time to reflect on your goals and aspirations for the future. As you know, I’m passionate about this topic, in fact I event wrote a book about it. Specifically, about how not to sabotage yourself when you set big goals and create a bucket list of dreams.
If you already have a bucket list: Why not take it out and reflect on it? Do you want to adjust it? Make some changes? Maybe some things on your list are no longer important to you. Maybe you are inspired to add something. Remember there is no judgement and no rules when it comes to writing your bucket list.
If you don’t have a bucket list: Now is the perfect time! Write out a list of what you want your life to look like. What kind of experiences you want to have. What kind of person you want to be. Make a list! A bucket list can provide motivation and a sense of purpose. Also, it feels super good to cross things off your list. That’s motivation!
In addition, there is scientific evidence that suggests having a set of goals that you are working toward can have a positive effect on your well-being and overall happiness. And I am all about increasing your well-being and happiness!
Unlike New Year’s resolutions, a bucket list encourages us to take risks, push us out of our comfort zone and inspires us to pursue bigger dreams and passions.
It is never too late to start living the life that you want. Don’t worry about self-sabotage – or as I like to say, putting holes in your bucket list. You can patch up the holes in your bucket list with courage, compassion, and kindness. It takes courage to look at your life and decide you want more, you deserve more! So give yourself some grace with compassion and kindness and let go of those things that have kept you down. Leave your fears and comparison to others and doubt and negativity in 2022 and make 2023 the year that you are bold, brave and brilliant! It’s time to cross things off YOUR bucket list of dreams!
I can’t wait to hear about YOUR success. When you cross something off your bucket list, send me an email (Marilyn@MarilynSherman.com) so I can celebrate you.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for watching and have a safe holiday and an extraordinary new year!
Your Head Usher,