The one thing that all successful people have is the awareness that the path to success is never a solo job. You need three people in your life to help you navigate the road to your ideal front-row job or career. These three people are crucial for anyone wanting to move ahead in their career:
1. Mentor
2. Advocate
3. Sponsor
You’ve likely heard these terms before, but may not know the distinction.
Mentor: This is someone that you have one-one-one conversations with about your aspirations and your challenges. They, depending on your relationship, may see things in you that you don’t see in yourself and can help guide you along your path.
Advocate: These people know you by working with you or by your reputation. They may be in rooms that you don’t have access to, and can mention your name or suggest you for a role, promotion, or special project.
Sponsor: This is the person with the power, authority, and or check book to make things happen!
Here’s the main point of today’s video: YOU DON’T HAVE CONTROL OVER ADVOCACY OR SPONSORSHIP! But, you do have control over mentorship. So, if you don’t have a mentor, I would suggest getting one. Just, please, don’t approach someone and say “Will you be my mentor?” That’s such an awkward conversation. Watch today’s video to learn what to specifically say to find a mentor and ask for help.
Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the front-row!
Your head usher,