How are you? How is change going for you in your world? I just finished leading a workshop on change called “Managing Change for Optimal Results: Are You a VICTIM, VACATIONER or VOLUNTEER?. There are three choices when faced with change: Victim, Vacationer, or Volunteer.
Victims don’t feel they have a voice, don’t feel valued, don’t think that they can make a difference, so they don’t speak up. Then, if anything goes wrong, they can say, “well, no one asked me!”
Vacationers would rather be anywhere else but where they are. They are distracted and usually try to get others to do the work they don’t want to do.
Both victims and vacationers bring the morale down and frustration up for everyone else on the team, usually ending with sabotaging the success of the impending change. What is the alternative? Be a Volunteer!
Volunteers are resourceful, optimistic, hopeful and supportive. They see that change doesn’t have to equate loss, change can be a good thing. They ask clarifying questions and offer creative solutions. So as we are going through constant change these days, I encourage you to be a volunteer and have a positive mindset. THAT’S how you live and lead from the front-row!
Your Head Usher,