Are you planning an event and need a good team-building idea? I have one for you! I just got back from keynoting an event in Mesa, Arizona for Cox Cable. I was invited to participate in a local charity called “Feed My Starving Children” where we broke up into teams, packed bags with vitamins, dried vegetables, soy and rice and boxed them up. In a matter of two hours, we boxed up enough meals to feed seventy-one children for an entire year. This is not new…having in- person events where part of the program includes a charity or local non-profit that you can support. Or like I commented in my video that Wynn and Encore do an excellent job in supporting Catholic Charities and other non-profits in our valley, and not only for events but as an ongoing campaign to give back. For the purpose of today’s message, I just wanted to mention that it is good for the community, good for employee bonding and good for the keynote speaker too! I learned more about the company and the amazing individuals who work at COX and was able to connect what I learned in my SEAT of Success message during my keynote. I encourage you to engage with your team today, and one way is to support a local cause together.
Thanks for watching today’s Front-Row Friday video and here’s to being an usher by shining your light and showing people the path to their front-row.